When is the best time to go to Kamminke

Best time to go
OK time to go
Worst time to go

The chart above shows the best time of year to visit Kamminke, Germany. These are based on an analysis of weather averages such as temperature, rainfall and number of hours of sunshine. These ratings are based solely on the climate and do not take into account other factors such as accommodation prices and how busy it is likely to be.

Average temperatures in Kamminke

Kamminke weather by month

Please note our recommendations for when to visit Kamminke are based solely on the weather and do not take into accounts accommodation prices, how busy it will be and what events are on.


Kamminke January weather averages
Temp Rain Sunshine Day length Sea temp
0°C 38mm 1.3hrs 9.5hrs 4°C

January is a reasonably dry month in Kamminke and the temperature is generally cold.

Based on weather alone, this is probably a time of year to avoid going to Kamminke for your holidays. The weather is often relatively bad and not conducive to spending time outdoors.

January is in the winter in Kamminke and is typically the coldest month of the year. Daytime maximum temperatures average around a freezing 0°C (33°F), whilst at night -4°C (25°F) is normal.

On average January is the driest month of the year in Kamminke with around 38mm 1.5 inches of rain making it a reasonably dry time to visit. This rainfall is typically spread over 17 days, although this may vary considerably.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 1.3 hours of sunshine per day.

Kamminke weather in January »


Kamminke February weather averages
Temp Rain Sunshine Day length Sea temp
2°C 29mm 2.4hrs 11hrs 3°C

February in Kamminke is generally dry with the temperature being cold.

Although outside the main holiday season, there is still plenty of relatively acceptable weather around this time of year. This makes it an okay time to visit Kamminke.

February is in the winter in Kamminke and is typically the 2nd coldest month of the year. Daytime maximum temperatures average around a freezing 2°C (35°F), whilst at night -3°C (26°F) is normal.

On average February is the 2nd driest month of the year in Kamminke with around 29mm 1.1 inches of rain making it a dry time to visit. This rainfall is typically spread over 13 days, although this may vary considerably.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 2.4 hours of sunshine per day.

Kamminke weather in February »


Kamminke March weather averages
Temp Rain Sunshine Day length Sea temp
6°C 34mm 4hrs 12.9hrs 3°C

The weather in March in Kamminke is characteristically cool and reasonably dry.

Based on weather alone, this is probably a time of year to avoid going to Kamminke for your holidays. The weather is often pretty bad and not conducive to spending time outdoors.

March is in the spring in Kamminke and is typically the 3rd coldest month of the year. Daytime maximum temperatures average around a cold 7°C (44°F), whilst at night 1°C (33°F) is normal.

On average March is the 3rd driest month of the year in Kamminke with around 34mm 1.3 inches of rain making it a reasonably dry time to visit. This rainfall is typically spread over 15 days, although this may vary considerably.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 4 hours of sunshine per day.

Kamminke weather in March »


Kamminke April weather averages
Temp Rain Sunshine Day length Sea temp
12°C 37mm 6hrs 15.2hrs 6°C

Kamminke's weather in April is typically cool and reasonably dry in nature.

Although outside the main holiday season, there is still plenty of reasonably acceptable weather around this time of year. This makes it an okay time to visit Kamminke.

April is in the spring in Kamminke and is typically the 4th coldest month of the year. Daytime maximum temperatures average around a cool 13°C (55°F), whilst at night 5°C (41°F) is normal.

On average April is the 4th driest month of the year in Kamminke with around 37mm 1.5 inches of rain making it a reasonably dry time to visit. This rainfall is typically spread over 12 days, although this may vary considerably.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 6 hours of sunshine per day.

Kamminke weather in April »


Kamminke May weather averages
Temp Rain Sunshine Day length Sea temp
16°C 48mm 8.4hrs 17.4hrs 9°C

May is a reasonably dry month in Kamminke and the temperature is generally mild.

It is perhaps a good month to visit Kamminke, with some surprisingly good weather at this time of year.

May is in the spring in Kamminke and is typically the 5th coldest month of the year. Daytime maximum temperatures average around 18°C (65°F), whilst at night 9°C (48°F) is normal.

On average May is the 5th driest month of the year in Kamminke with around 48mm 1.9 inches of rain making it a reasonably dry time to visit. This rainfall is typically spread over 12 days, although this may vary considerably.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 8.4 hours of sunshine per day.

Kamminke weather in May »


Kamminke June weather averages
Temp Rain Sunshine Day length Sea temp
19°C 57mm 8.7hrs 9.5hrs 14°C

The climate in Kamminke during June can be summarized as mild and reasonably dry.

It is perhaps the perfect month to visit Kamminke, with some surprisingly good weather at this time of year.

June is in the summer in Kamminke and is typically the 6th coldest month of the year. Daytime maximum temperatures average around 22°C (71°F), whilst at night 13°C (55°F) is normal.

On average June is the 6th driest month of the year in Kamminke with around 57mm 2.3 inches of rain making it a reasonably dry time to visit. This rainfall is typically spread over 13 days, although this may vary considerably.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 8.7 hours of sunshine per day.

Kamminke weather in June »


Kamminke July weather averages
Temp Rain Sunshine Day length Sea temp
21°C 63mm 8.2hrs 11hrs 17°C

July in Kamminke is generally reasonably dry with the temperature being warm.

It is perhaps a good month to visit Kamminke, with some inordinately good weather at this time of year.

July is in the summer in Kamminke and is typically the 6th warmest month of the year. Daytime maximum temperatures average around 23°C (73°F), whilst at night 14°C (58°F) is normal.

On average July is the 6th wettest month of the year in Kamminke with around 63mm 2.5 inches of rain making it a reasonably dry time to visit. This rainfall is typically spread over 13 days, although this may vary considerably.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 8.2 hours of sunshine per day.

Kamminke weather in July »


Kamminke August weather averages
Temp Rain Sunshine Day length Sea temp
21°C 56mm 7.8hrs 12.9hrs 18°C

The weather in August in Kamminke is characteristically warm and reasonably dry.

It is perhaps the perfect month to visit Kamminke, with some very good weather at this time of year.

August is in the summer in Kamminke and is typically the 5th warmest month of the year. Daytime maximum temperatures average around 23°C (74°F), whilst at night 14°C (57°F) is normal.

On average August is the 5th wettest month of the year in Kamminke with around 56mm 2.2 inches of rain making it a reasonably dry time to visit. This rainfall is typically spread over 13 days, although this may vary considerably.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 7.8 hours of sunshine per day.

Kamminke weather in August »


Kamminke September weather averages
Temp Rain Sunshine Day length Sea temp
17°C 50mm 5.5hrs 15.2hrs 16°C

Kamminke's weather in September is typically mild and reasonably dry in nature.

It is perhaps a good month to visit Kamminke, with some surprisingly good weather at this time of year.

September is in the fall / autumn in Kamminke and is typically the 4th warmest month of the year. Daytime maximum temperatures average around 19°C (66°F), whilst at night 11°C (52°F) is normal.

On average September is the 4th wettest month of the year in Kamminke with around 50mm 2 inches of rain making it a reasonably dry time to visit. This rainfall is typically spread over 14 days, although this may vary considerably.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 5.5 hours of sunshine per day.

Kamminke weather in September »


Kamminke October weather averages
Temp Rain Sunshine Day length Sea temp
12°C 43mm 3.7hrs 17.4hrs 12°C

October is a reasonably dry month in Kamminke and the temperature is generally mild.

Although outside the main holiday season, there is still plenty of quite acceptable weather around this time of year. This makes it an okay time to visit Kamminke.

October is in the fall / autumn in Kamminke and is typically the 3rd warmest month of the year. Daytime maximum temperatures average around a cool 13°C (56°F), whilst at night 7°C (45°F) is normal.

On average October is the 3rd wettest month of the year in Kamminke with around 43mm 1.7 inches of rain making it a reasonably dry time to visit. This rainfall is typically spread over 13 days, although this may vary considerably.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 3.7 hours of sunshine per day.

Kamminke weather in October »


Kamminke November weather averages
Temp Rain Sunshine Day length Sea temp
6°C 47mm 2hrs 9.5hrs 9°C

Cool and reasonably dry weather often prevails in Kamminke during the month of November

Based on weather alone, this is probably a time of year to avoid going to Kamminke for your holidays. The weather is often pretty bad and not conducive to spending time outdoors.

November is in the fall / autumn in Kamminke and is typically the 2nd warmest month of the year. Daytime maximum temperatures average around a cold 7°C (45°F), whilst at night 3°C (37°F) is normal.

On average November is the 2nd wettest month of the year in Kamminke with around 47mm 1.9 inches of rain making it a reasonably dry time to visit. This rainfall is typically spread over 16 days, although this may vary considerably.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 2 hours of sunshine per day.

Kamminke weather in November »


Kamminke December weather averages
Temp Rain Sunshine Day length Sea temp
3°C 46mm 1.3hrs 11hrs 6°C

December in Kamminke is generally reasonably dry with the temperature being cool.

Based on weather alone, this is probably a time of year to avoid going to Kamminke for your holidays. The weather is often not a good and not conducive to spending time outdoors.

December is in the winter in Kamminke and is typically the warmest month of the year. Daytime maximum temperatures average around a cold 3°C (37°F), whilst at night -1°C (30°F) is normal.

On average December is the wettest month of the year in Kamminke with around 46mm 1.8 inches of rain making it a reasonably dry time to visit. This rainfall is typically spread over 17 days, although this may vary considerably.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 1.3 hours of sunshine per day.

Kamminke weather in December »

Other monthly averages

UV index Best time to go?

Kamminke weather stats

Kamminke weather statistics
Hottest month: July 22.7°C 72.9°F
Driest month: February 29mm 1.1ins
Sunniest month: May 8.4hrs
Coldest month: January 0.2°C 32.4°F
Wettest month: July 63mm 2.5ins
Warmest sea: August 18.3°C 64.9°F
Map showing location of Kamminke (53.86667, 14.2) Kamminke map pin © Google

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