Nizhnevartovsk Weather in October

What's the weather like in Nizhnevartovsk (Khanty-Mansiyskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug) in October 2024?

The climate in Nizhnevartovsk during October can be summarized as cold and reasonably dry.

October is in the fall / autumn in Nizhnevartovsk and is typically the 6th warmest month of the year. Daytime maximum temperatures average around a freezing 1°C (34°F), whilst at night -5°C (23°F) is normal.

Nizhnevartovsk weather averages (imperial / metric)
Daytime temperature 1.4°C 34.4°F
Nightly temperature -5.2°C 22.7°F
Average temperature -1.9°C 28.6°F
Daily sunshine 2.6 hrs
Avg rainfall 52 mm 2.1 ins
Rainy days 19 days
Sea temperature 5.3°C 41.6°F
Humidity 89%
Windspeed 14.8kph 9 mph

On average October is the 5th wettest month of the year in Nizhnevartovsk with around 52mm 2.1 inches of rain making it a reasonably dry time to visit. This rainfall is typically spread over 19 days, although this may vary considerably.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 2.6 hours of sunshine per day.

October temperatures in Nizhnevartovsk

Nizhnevartovsk average temperature in October

October rainfall

Nizhnevartovsk average rain in October

October hourly sunshine

Nizhnevartovsk average rain in October

The data used in these monthly averages covers a period of over 100 years right up until last year. As such they are a valid prediction of what to expect for the weather in Nizhnevartovsk in October 2024.

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Nizhnevartovsk weather stats

Nizhnevartovsk weather statistics
Hottest month: July 23.2°C 73.8°F
Driest month: February 21mm 0.8ins
Sunniest month: July 5.4hrs
Coldest month: January -17.4°C 0.7°F
Wettest month: August 83mm 3.3ins
Map showing location of Nizhnevartovsk (60.9344, 76.5531) Nizhnevartovsk map pin © Google

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