Today's Weather in Summerside

Fri 6th, Dec

-0°C 32°F
Feels like: -8°C 18°F
White cloud
43km/h 27mph / W
Gust: 34 km/h
Gust: 34 mph

  • Rain: 2.9 mm
  • Sun: 180 mins
  • Cloud: %
  • RH: 69.3%
  • Pressure: 0 mb
  • Visibility: 24135 m
Sunrise: 07:44
Sunset: 16:28

Summerside 24hr weather forecast

15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00
White cloud
27 mph
White cloud
27 mph
Partly cloudy night
25 mph
Partly cloudy night
23 mph
Partly cloudy night
20 mph
Partly cloudy night
20 mph
Partly cloudy night
18 mph
White cloud
16 mph
15 day Summerside forecast »

the weather forecast for tomorrow

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What's the weather supposed to be like today?!

Summerside average weather Friday 6th December 2024 10:43 AM
Max temp: -4.4°C 24.1°F
Min temp: 0.1°C 32.2°F
Rainfall: 3mm 0.1ins

Past weather forecasts... historical weather data... Summerside weather year round / Summerside weather history

Monthly weather averages

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